"Do you have any more cases that need my help?" I asked my best friend and certified sex therapist, Hannah, at our weekly get-together lunch.
Ever since the last time she'd invited me to sit in on one of her sessions, I'd fantasized about watching another one of her clients release her inhibitions while learning how to orgasm for the first time.
"I'm afraid Haley was a one-off," Hannah said. "That was definitely pushing the envelope in terms of how far I can take the concept of a guided session."
"But you said many of your clients are open to the idea of using a surrogate to help them overcome their fear of intimacy?"
"Yes, but bringing a third party into the equation is stretching the limits of client confidentiality."
"Not if they agree to it up front and sign a consent form."
"True. But I'm already drifting into unchartered territory using this unconventional form of sex therapy. I'm supposed to just talk to them, not watch them while they touch themselves."
I shook my head as I sliced into my grilled salmon.
"You just want to have them all to yourself," I winked.
"Maybe," Hannah smiled, noisily sipping her margarita. "But my hands-on approach seems to be working."
"How's Haley doing these days, anyway?" I said, wondering about the pretty co-ed I'd shared an intimate encounter with. "Is she still receiving treatment?"
"The last I heard, she was in a committed relationship with another girl at college. She said her sex life was very satisfying. Apparently, that blended session with you helped her turn the corner."
"Glad I could help," I said, crossing my knees under the table to quiet my tingling clit as I remembered watching Haley come between my legs. "Happy to hear we cured another dysfunctional patient."
"You shouldn't be so dismissive of other women's problems," Hannah said, looking at me disapprovingly. "The inability to orgasm is far more prevalent than people think, especially among women. It's often caused by a traumatic episode in their past or severe childhood repression. Not everyone's as lucky as you and me to have had a healthy upbringing."
"I'm sorry," I said. "You're right. I remember how unsatisfying my first marriage was. We were both raised in a conservative household that frowned upon any form of sexual expression before marriage. All Jason seemed interested in was doing the missionary position in the dark. I hardly even had a chance to get aroused before he popped off. It wasn't until I discovered sex with other women that I really learned to enjoy myself."
"You're lucky that you found a successful outlet for your desires at a relatively young age," Hannah nodded. "You've come a long way since then."
"Literally and figuratively," I chuckled. "I can hardly believe how enjoyable my sex life has become. My orgasms are stronger and more powerful than I ever imagined. And the best part is how long I can make it last. It's almost like I can turn it on and off at will, holding out until the best optimal moment."
"You mean coming simultaneously with your partner?"
"Most of the time, yes. But sometimes I like to wait until she's finished coming so I can concentrate on maximizing her pleasure."
"Maybe you should become a partner in my therapy practice," Hannah said, lifting an eyebrow. "It sounds like you've mastered your art. I could use another colleague to juggle my growing caseload."
"Ha!" I chuckled. "I'm afraid I could never have your discipline. I'd want to jump the clients every time instead of just talking them through their process of self-discovery. You'd lose your license in no time if you brought me on as a full partner."
Hannah paused for a moment as she took another sip of her cocktail.
"Maybe we should test the premise and see just how disciplined you really are. You say you can turn your desire on and off at will. I bet you wouldn't be able to control yourself so easily under the right circumstances."
"How do you mean?" I said, suddenly intrigued. "Under what circumstances?"
Hannah peered at me with a devilish grin.
"I think if we put you in a highly charged sexual situation and took away your ability to control the level of stimulation you received, that I could make you pop off whenever I wanted."
"Like what?" I said, leaning forward on the table. "What did you have in mind?"
"I've actually been thinking about this for a while," Hannah smiled. "Ever since we were at this same restaurant and you tried out my new sex toy under the table. It gave me some fresh ideas for how we could take it to the next level."
"That was pretty fucking hot," I nodded, feeling my panties begin to dampen at the thought of Hannah watching me squirm in my seat while I was surrounded by restaurant patrons quietly eating their meals. "How could you possibly make that any more arousing?"
"You have no idea," Hannah smirked, lifting her glass back up to her lips...