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The Slave: BDSM Lesbian Erotica (ebook)

The Slave: BDSM Lesbian Erotica (ebook)

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Sometimes it’s more fun letting someone else be in control…

When Jade complains to her sex therapist friend about always being the one taking the lead in the bedroom, Hannah makes her a proposal. If Jade is so interested in playing the submissive role, how would she like to be Hannah’s slave for a week?

 For her first test as a slave, Hannah takes Jade to a fancy restaurant and demands that she satisfy her under the table while she eats dinner pretending like nothing is happening. When Jade passes this first test, Hannah takes her home and ties her up to her four-poster bed, where she takes maximum advantage of her helpless but delighted friend.

 But it’s not until Hannah dresses Jade up in a revealing costume and leads her into a raunchy lesbian bar that things really begin to get interesting. With all eyes on her sexy and compliant slave, it doesn't take long for things to devolve into a wild free-for-all, where the two women begin to get second thoughts about the whole domme and submissive experiment...

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Chapter 1: Making a Bet


I always looked forward to my weekly lunch date with my best friend and professional sex therapist, Hannah. But today, I had a different reason for wanting to see her. My sex life had become a bit staid and boring lately, and I wanted some new ideas for how to spice things up. As a newly liberated, polysexual woman, I'd had plenty of variety in my relationships, but I was tired of being the one always taking the lead seeking out new adventures. I wanted someone else to be in charge of plotting my sexual journey for a change.

I smiled when I saw Hannah waiting in the foyer of the trendy new Chicago restaurant, Girl & the Goat. Besides being my best friend and a font of sexual knowledge, she was super-hot, and my pussy tingled remembering our last tryst in the bushes behind the public library.

"Funny you chose this place for our meet-up this week," I said, kissing her gently on the cheek.

"How so?" she said. "I thought you'd like it, with its vegan menu and convenient location next to the 'el'.

"No, it's not that. It's the name: Girl & the Goat. Given your profession and everything, it sounds like some kind of weird kink."

"Ha," Hannah chuckled. "It's certainly provocative, but I suspect it has more to do with the executive chef being a woman, and her proclivity toward farm-to-table food."

"Either way," I said, licking my lips. "As long as you're somewhere in the mix, I'm sure it will be super tasty."

After we sat down and ordered our entrees and some cocktails, Hannah rested her elbows on the table and leaned over toward me.

"What's up, girl?" she said, scrunching her eyebrows in concern. "You sounded a little down-in-the-dumps when I chatted with you last time over the phone."

"I dunno," I said. "I just feel like I'm in a bit of a rut. You know, relationship-wise."

"Are we talking about your love life or your sex life?" she said, smiling toward the waiter as he placed our drinks on the table.

"You know me," I laughed, taking a healthy swig of my margarita. "I'm still not ready for another long-term relationship after my last failed marriage. My sex life just feels kind of–predictable–lately."

Hannah suddenly hunched forward, coughing as she took a sip of her cosmopolitan.

"Predictable?" she said. "This coming from the girl who just came off a fling with the First Lady of the United States?!"

"That was a little different, I grant you. It's just that in most of my recent relationships, I've been the one taking the lead. I'm kind of getting tired having to take the first step and always being the one in charge in the bedroom department. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a lady, you know what I mean?"

"You mean being the submissive one for a change?" she said.

"I guess so. You're the sex therapist. Does there always have to be a top and a bottom, for want of a better expression, in every sexual relationship?"

Hannah paused while the waiter returned with our entrees, placing them in front of us on our place settings.

"That's the age-old question," she said, picking up one of her goat-cheese empanadas and chomping into it. "Traditionally, there's always been one dom and one submissive is most pair-bonds. I think it's a natural outgrowth of the old hunter-gatherer role of the male in a traditional heterosexual relationship and the homemaker/child-rearing role of the woman."

"Haven't we outgrown those old stereotypes in this modern enlightened age?" I said, shaking my head.

"You'd think so. But it seems to run deeper than that. Maybe it's a more visceral impulse, like with the alpha-beta-omega dynamic in a wolf pack. Whether they're hetero, gay, or lesbian, most couples naturally seem to assume one role or the other. With gays, it takes the form of 'tops' and 'bottoms' and with lesbians there's usually a 'butch' and a 'femme.'"

"But aren't these roles becoming more fluid these days with couples swapping positions from time to time?"

"Yes, of course," Hannah said, washing down her empanada with another gulp of her cosmo. "But each person seems to revert back eventually to their preferred position in the hierarchy. This seems like an odd question coming from such a sexually liberated person like yourself. It seems like you've tried just about everything. In fact, if I remember correctly, didn't you once avail yourself of the services of a professional dominatrix? Did you enjoy playing the submissive role in that situation?"

"Yes, but it all felt so manufactured, and temporary. Like I was paying to be dominated. It didn't feel natural."

Hannah shrugged her shoulders and chuckled.

"Well, you could pretty much walk into any lesbian bar in this town and find a dominant butch to take you on for a longer-term ride. With your pretty looks and that sexy body, you'd have no trouble picking up someone who's looking for some girly-girl fun."

"Mm, I don't know," I said, scrunching up my nose. "I'm not really attracted to that kind of woman. I guess I'm just looking for a 'normal' girl who I could experiment playing a more submissive role."

"What did you have in mind exactly?" Hannah said, leaning back in her chair.

"I don't know, someone pretty, kind of like you, who's not afraid to take the lead for a while..."

"Just how far did you want to take this whole submissive thing?" she said, arching an eyebrow.

"Whatever," I said, nibbling on one of my chickpea fritters. "I could go all-in, for a little while at least. It might be kind of fun, letting my partner have her way with me for a change."

"Hmm," Hannah purred, as a sly smile began to spread across her lips.

"What?" I said. "What are you thinking all of a sudden?"

"It's been a while since the two of us have had a roll in the hay, so to speak. Why don't we mix it up a little this time? I'll play the domme and you can be the submissive."

"That sounds like fun," I nodded, feeling my panties moistening at the thought of reconnecting with Hannah sexually. "But we've both had plenty of turns being the one on top–"

"No," she said. "I mean in a more formal type of domme and submissive role."

"You mean like in a BDSM type of thing?"

"Kind of," she smiled. "I was thinking more in terms of a master-and-slave type of role."

I lifted my hand to my mouth, suddenly coughing on a chick pea. Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"You want me to be your slave?" I said. "What would that entail, exactly?"

"Whatever I deem necessary," she smirked. "Whatever I want you to do, whenever and wherever we might find ourselves."

"You mean like in public places too?"

"Yes," Hannah nodded. "If the mood strikes me."

"That sounds kind of fun," I said, suddenly squirming in my chair at the thought of being at Hannah's behest whenever she demanded. "When did you want to start this little experiment?"

"How about right now?" Hannah said, peering at me with a devilish grin...