"What's up, girl?" my best friend Hannah said to me at our weekly lunch date. "You look a little run down. Have you been taking care of yourself?"
"I've been going to yoga class as often as I can, and I think I'm eating reasonably well. But I've kind of been flitting from one empty relationship to another, and I guess I'm in a bit of a rut."
"Mmm," Hannah nodded. "Maybe you need to break away from your routine for a change. You know, mix up the scenery, go somewhere you can relax and recharge your batteries."
"What did you have in mind?" I said.
"I've been thinking," she smiled with a slight curl of her lip. "I've heard about this new spa in town that takes a different slant on the whole wellness concept."
"How so?"
"Well, for one thing, it's for ladies only."
"That's nothing new. Ninety-five percent of the clientele at most spas is already women."
"This one's on the top floor of one of the tallest skyscrapers in Chicago. It's got a retractable roof and a beautiful open-air patio surrounding a huge pool with magnificent views of the city and the lake."
"That does sound a little more upscale than most," I nodded. "But if that's its big claim to fame, I'm not sure that's going to be enough to pull me out of my funk."
"What if I told you it's a naked spa?"
"What do you mean?" I said, suddenly intrigued. "You mean customers receive facials and massages in the nude?"
"Well yes, but it's much more than that. I mean everybody's naked, including in the common areas like the pool, sauna, and exercise studio."
"Really? Like a nudist camp or something?"
"A very elite nudist camp," she smiled. "With all the spa amenities. Where everybody is super wellness-oriented and in fabulous shape. Imagine sitting poolside watching all the hot women going in and out of the pool and cavorting in the hot tub."
I shifted unsteadily on my chair, suddenly realizing how wet my panties had become envisioning the scenario.
"Is there a lot of cavorting going on?"
"Let's just say it's a voyeur's paradise, where women are encouraged to mingle. From what I've heard, it's Chicago's answer to Plato's Retreat. There's allegedly a ton of extra-curricular activities going on. Don't tell me that doesn't get your juices going."
"Um–yeah," I said, feeling my pussy throb at the idea of an all-girls venue. "That does sound a little different. What about the staff? They don't have a problem with all that lewd socializing?"
"Quite the opposite. Apparently, they're just as involved in the delivery of the special services. Can you imagine getting a full-body massage with a hot masseuse with all the extra benefits? Or a Brazilian, or a pedicure, or a facial where they make sure you're satisfied in every possible way?"
I leaned back in my chair, scrunching up my face.
"Don't you think it would be kind of weird getting a wax where the aesthetician is focused on more than just cleaning things up down there?"
"You never know until you try,” Hannah said. “Come on, Jade–you deserve to be pampered for a change. This is a place you can go where there's no judging, no expectations, no relationship pressures. You can indulge as little or as much as you wish in the carnal opportunities. Or just lie in the sun, go for a dip in the pool, and take in the scenery."
"The very erotic scenery," I smiled.
"That never stopped you before," she said, arching an eyebrow.
"Okay," I said. "You've twisted my arm. When did you have in mind for this little excursion?"
"Tomorrow at noon," she said, holding up two tickets. "I've already paid for both of us. My treat."
"Are you planning to be my wingwoman to keep me out of trouble?"
"Fuck that," Hannah chuckled. "I'm going to be your partner-in-crime, to make sure you get into as much trouble as possible."
The following day, I met Hannah in the lobby of an office tower on Magnificent Mile. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I could see all the way down Grand Avenue toward the Navy Pier and Lake Michigan. I was ready to forget my troubles and lose myself in the luxury and decadence of the upscale spa. I had no idea what I was in for, but the throbbing in my pussy suggested it would be anything but boring.
"So, are you ready for this?" Hannah said while we waited for the elevator on the ground floor.
"I think so," I said. "My mind isn't so sure, but my body seems to have other ideas."
We stepped into the lift and Hannah nodded, tapping the button for the sixty-third floor.
"I'm just as excited as you are to see what this is all about. My mind's been racing with all the possibilities ever since I bought the tickets."
"You had this planned for me all along, didn't you?" I said.
"Of course," Hannah smirked. "How could I not invite my bestie to the hottest show in town?"